Pay for utility bills and other home services for only 39.90 UAH per month

Pay for utility bills and other home services for only 39.90 UAH per month

Terms of the package «Month»

For just 39.90 UAH per month, you will be able to pay utility bills for two apartments without any commission. The «Month» package is valid for the next categories:

Utility bills





The savings calculator

Estimate the benefits of the «Month» package compared to the standard commissions.

1-2 apartment
3-4 apartments
5 or more  apartments

Payment of 7-9 receipts for one apartment

The average commission for services is

≈ 50-55 UAH

Price with the «Month» package is

39.90 UAH / save up to 30%

How does it work?

You have to go to your account and activate the «Month» package in the profile settings

Receive an invoice for 39.90 UAH for the first month of the package using and repay it

Pay for your utility bills without any commission

Do you have any questions or need help while connecting? We are in touch!

Contact our support team

(044) 200 09 02
(044) 200 09 02
(067) 408 29 77
(067) 408 29 77