«Rivnegas» offered its consumers to pay their bills using Portmone.com system (05.03.2013)


«Rivnegas» offered its consumers to pay their bills using Portmone.com system

Citizens of Rovno and the region can now pay for «Rivnegas» services by Visa and MasterCard online or using their mobile phones in Portmone.com system.

You can pay your gas bills on the Web site of Portmone.com. interbank system for electronic delivery and payment of bills portmone.com.ua or using your smartphone or a tablet PC and a mobile version of the Web site.

No commissions or additional subscription fee is charged for these payments.

Using Portmone.com «Rivnegas» consumers can now pay for gas free of additional charges and avoid wasting time in bank lines or in other payment acceptance outlets.


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