Vodafone (Home Internet)

We recommend
Save the template so you don't have to enter the contract number next time. The service is available to registered users.
We recommend
Activate the function and receive personal payment invoices with filled-in details after registration. Debit of funds after your confirmation. The service is available to registered users.
Commission 2%, minimum 3 UAH.

Replenishment of the balance occurs almost instantly. If the money has not been received, it is recommended to contact the customer support service Vodafone, whose contacts are listed on their official website in the “Contacts” section. If necessary, send an electronic receipt to the operator's employee, which confirms the fact of payment.

The commission for making a payment is 2% of the replenishment amount, but not less than 2 UAH. If you want to save on commission, you need to register or log in cabinet Portmone and activate the "Month" tariff.

To pay for the Internet, the number of the contract and a bank card Visa, Mastercard or NPS "Prostir" are sufficient.

You can check the balance through your personal account on the website of the service operator.

Also pay for services


We help 24/7

Portmone Business

Customer Support Portmone:

Customer Support Portmone Business:

ic_email [email protected]

ic_location Stepan Bandera ave, 16-B, Makros Mall, 04073, Kyiv, Ukraine