Payment of fines for violation of parking rules

Company details

If you have noticed any discrepancies in the details, please let us know

Payment details

Payer's details

Purpose of payment: *121;21081100

Commission 1.5%, minimum 5 UAH.
Кошти будуть перераховані в Державну казначейську службу України протягом трьох робочих днів (як правило, протягом 24 годин).
Перед сплатою рахунку, перевірте банківські реквізити отримувача. В разі їх некоректності або зміни, повідомте нам по телефону (044) 200-09-02 або електронною поштою [email protected]"

Stopping and parking in places for people with disabilities involves a fine of 60-100 non-taxable minimums (1020-1700 UAH). In case of repeated violation, the maximum fine can reach 2550 UAH.

If you are sure that you received a fine unreasonably, you can try to challenge it within 10 days after the decision was issued. To do this, you must submit an application to the administrative court at the place of your residence, registration or commission of the offense.

Municipal service inspectors and patrol police officers have the right to issue a fine for an incorrectly parked car.

You can always try to appeal the fine, but only within 10 days after receiving the decision on the violation. Claims sent after this period are not subject to appeal.

The payment details of the recipient and the purpose of payment for parking violations issued by parking inspectors differ from the data for payment of traffic fines issued by police officers. In addition, a fine for incorrect parking issued by a parking inspector is not subject to entry into the police database.


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ic_location Stepan Bandera ave, 16-B, Makros Mall, 04073, Kyiv, Ukraine