Чернігівська філія ТОВ "ГАЗМЕРЕЖІ УКРАЇНИ"

We recommend
Save the template so you don't have to enter the contract number next time. The service is available to registered users.
Commission 1,5%, minimum 5 UAH.

The Wallet service allows you to pay for the services of "Gazmerezh" Chernihiv branch without a commission. To do this, you need to register or enter the user account, go to the profile settings and select the "Subscription" section, where to activate the "Month" package.

“Gazmerezhi" of the Chernihiv branch sends a paper receipt to its consumers every month, which contains information on charges and the amount owed (if any). You can also receive electronic versions of bills through Wallet by specifying your address in the user account.

You can see the account number in the contract with the supplier, as well as in the paper receipt sent by the Chernihiv branch of "Gazmerezhi" every month. In addition, you can get information about the account number from the customer support service.

If you need to contact the contact center of "Gazmerezhi Ukrainy", you can do so by phone: (066) 300 28 88, (098) 300 28 88, (093) 300 28 88. In addition, you can send your questionto the post [email protected] 


We help 24/7

Portmone Business

Customer Support Portmone:

Customer Support Portmone Business:

ic_email [email protected]

ic_location Stepan Bandera ave, 16-B, Makros Mall, 04073, Kyiv, Ukraine