KP "Horodotske VKH"

We recommend
Save the template so you don't have to enter the contract number next time. The service is available to registered users.
Commission 1.52%, minimum 5 UAH.

With the purse payment for water in Lviv is available online 24/7. It is enough to have a bank card and an internet connection to pay for any utility services and bills of any utility company.

How to pay the bill online?

Acceptance of payments in favor of utility companies, TV and Internet providers is available both on the official website, and using a mobile application. Payments can be made not only by registered, but also by anonymous users. Thus, the path to successful payment is completely open and there are no obstacles or barriers in the form of registration or verification of the card for the user.


We help 24/7
Portmone Business

Customer Support Portmone:

Customer Support Portmone Business:

ic_email [email protected]

ic_location Stepan Bandera ave, 16-B, Makros Mall, 04073, Kyiv, Ukraine