TOV Keruiucha Kompaniia "Komenerho-Zhytomyr"

We recommend
Save the template so you don't have to enter the contract number next time. The service is available to registered users.
Commission 1%, minimum 5 UAH. is a national payment service with which you can easily and easily pay for a power company in Zhytomyr. You do not need to spend time searching for a payment terminal or look for the nearest service center, since any operations with the system are carried out online. All you need is a bank card and Internet access. To use all the main features of the service you do not need to register.


We help 24/7
Portmone Business

Customer Support Portmone:

Customer Support Portmone Business:

ic_email [email protected]

ic_location Stepan Bandera ave, 16-B, Makros Mall, 04073, Kyiv, Ukraine