We recommend
Save the template so you don't have to enter the contract number next time. The service is available to registered users.

Commission 1.0%, minimum 5 UAH.
Note! The account of the company will be delivered to you next month.

Also pay for services

Tired of standing in line? Then use the services of the service and pay for the services of more than 1500 utilities of Ukraine, including payment for the Kiev Regional EC online, directly from your computer or smartphone. Everyone can use the service, regardless of whether it is registered in the Portmone system or not.


We help 24/7
Portmone Business

Customer Support Portmone:

Customer Support Portmone Business:

ic_email [email protected]

ic_location Stepan Bandera ave, 16-B, Makros Mall, 04073, Kyiv, Ukraine